The City of Rochester rates-per-tract (for those having at least one COVID-19 vaccination) range from 25% to 86%, with an overall rate of 44%. The most recently available data (August 5) also show variability from eastern to western Monroe County. Visit the RocHealthData map room to see how these data have changed over time, or view additional census tract-level data for the City and County.
Monroe County continues to provide vaccine access throughout our community, and the Finger Lakes COVID-19 Vaccine Hub site includes many resources, including transportation options, for getting the vaccine. Their site also shares detailed information about vaccine rates among the currently eligible population across the nine-county region, updated weekly.
These vaccination data are made available through the collaborative efforts of the Finger Lakes Vaccine Hub, the Finger Lakes Hub Task Force, the Rochester Regional Health Information Organization, the University of Rochester Medical Center, Common Ground Health, and the RocHealthData team.
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