July Belongs to Blueberries! (and Cherries, and Peaches, and Raspberries…)

Recognized by the North American Blueberry Council as “National Blueberry Month” in July we tempt your taste buds with the wide variety of produce available in our region over the summer. Along with blueberries, July is the harvest period for cherries, peaches, plums, raspberries and strawberries, not to mention a wide variety of vegetables. Here’s a helpful chart of what’s in season in New York. A great way to stay up to date on available produce is to sign up for the City of Rochester’s Market Matters newsletter.
Despite knowledge that fruits and vegetables are an important part of everyone’s diet, the CDC estimates that only 1 in 10 adults achieve the minimum recommended daily serving suggestions: 1.5 cups of fruit and 2.5 cups of vegetables.
As we enter the peak season of fresh, local produce, why not re-commit to reaching this goal today? One of the best places to find fresh produce is at your local farmer’s market. Visit the RocHealthData map room to find a market near you. While there, try layering other maps of interest such as fruit and vegetable consumption by census tract and the percent of the low-income population living near a farmer’s market.

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